

On the 12th December 2009 our precious little boy Dylan entered our world. Little did we know that his world was a silent one.  He was a happy baby, extremely vocal and hit all his development milestones. At around age one his parents started to suspect something was not right. He was assessed and initially fitted with grommets. However following an Auditory Brainstem Response test he was confirmed as profoundly deaf in both ears.

On 13th June 2011 when Dylan was 18 months old, he received the gift to hear through cochlear implantation in his left ear. We call it his ‘Magic Ear’…  his world was no longer a silent one. Dylan’s loved one’s then spent 10 months fundraising and he was fitted with his second cochlear implant on 3rd September 2012. 

Through weekly Auditory Verbal Therapy Dylan is learning how to listen and to enjoy all the wonderful sounds around him. 

Dylan also attends the Hearing House preschool.


